
Dr Michael Youssef

Dr. Michael Youssef was born in Egypt, lived in Lebanon and Australia and is now based in the United States. He studied at Moore College in Sydney, Australia, and now has an international TV and radio ministry. He shares some eye-opening insights into the unfolding situation in Egypt.

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Chuck Missler

Dr Chuck Missler is a former senior analyst with the US Department of Defense, and former Branch Chief of the Department of Guided Missiles, he has also helmed several major private companies as chief executive. With both his military and corporate background, Chuck brings a unique discernment to trends in world culture and politics. He is in the process of moving his centre of ministry operations from the USA to Taupo, New Zealand.

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Walid Shoebat

Walid Shoebat is a Former member of the PLO, who has converted to Christianity from Islam. After shedding his former life and work as a software engineer he has set out to tirelessly bring the cause of Israel to tens of thousands of people throughout the world: churches and synagogues, civic groups, government leaders and media. Walid is an American citizen and lives in the USA with his wife and children, under this assumed name.

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Tim Hughes

Tim Hughes is well known for the song, “Here I am to worship”, and many others. In this interview Matt speaks with Tim at Hillsong conference 2010, about worship, missions, the Alpha course, song writing and his love for Australia.

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Wayne Cordeiro (Part 2)

Wayne Cordeiro is Senior Pastor of New Hope Church in Hawaii and is now President of New Hope Bible College in Eugene Oregon. I can honestly say Pastor Wayne is one of my heroes, and this has been one of the most inspiring and funny interviews I have done.

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Wayne Cordeiro (Part 1)

Wayne Cordeiro is Senior Pastor of New Hope Church in Hawaii and is now President of New Hope Bible College in Eugene Oregon. I can honestly say Pastor Wayne is one of my heroes, and this has been one of the most inspiring and funny interviews I have done.

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The Call

The Call is a movement of prayer that has had hundreds of thousands of people joining together to pray and fast for justice and spiritual awakening. In this program we speak with leaders at the 2010 Call Gathering in Sacramento, USA. Leaders include: Lou Engle, Cindy Jacobs, Wesley and Stacey Campbell, Bill and Beni Johnson, and Banning Liebscher.

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Tina Damasco

Tina Damasco has an amazing story of a life transformed. WA Youth Worker of the Year 2010 nominee, Tina reaches out to many women with The Esther Foundation. Helping young women to overcome life controlling struggles and issues relating from various concerns that may include substance abuse, family breakdown, depression or teenage pregnancy. It is the largest women’s residential health program of its kind in Australia.

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Andrew Carnell

This week we talk to Andrew Carnell who is walking from Cairns to Stanthorpe to raise money and awareness for Bible literacy, they’ll be holding public meetings in over 35 towns on their way, and making history too!

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Campbell Newman

Campbell Newman is the Lord Mayor of Brisbane. Campbell and his wife Lisa share about the importance of their annual prayer breakfast, the Combined churches “Yes We Care” Program to reach out to the poor and for the first time publicly Campbell Newman shares about how his Christian values are his bedrock and his compass in life.

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