
Nicky Gumbel

Author and speaker Nicky Gumbel, is the pioneer of the Alpha Course, a short course on the basics of Christianity. He was an avowed atheist, and converted to Christianity in his first year at College, through reading the New Testament. He said, “I was enthralled. It was as if I had found what I had been looking for all my life”. Millions have now done the course worldwide. Nicky is interviewed by Leigh Hatcher from Open House.

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Mark Conner

Mark Conner is the pastor of Australia’s 2nd largest church, City life in Melbourne. He’s an active blogger and has authored many books. He shares some great stories about how to reach out and connect others with the Gospel.

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Warwick Marsh

Warwick Marsh is the Founder of the Fatherhood Foundation. In 1998 he was awarded the FOL Fatherhood of the Year Award and in 2001 was awarded a centenary medal by the Governor General.

In this History Makers edition, Warwick shares his vision for the National Day of prayer for on July 24, 2011.

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John Anderson

John Anderson is the former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia. He recently spoke at the Lord Mayors prayer Breakfast in Brisbane. In this History making speech, John speaks about revival in China and Africa, and the need for Revival in Australia.

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Paul Morrison

Paul Morrison is the chaplain for the West Coast Eagles AFL football team. He took some of the players to Cambodia and was so moved, he wrote the song, “Picking up the pieces”, It was featured on Today Tonight and the clip has gone viral on YouTube.

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Peter Malins

Pete Malins is a missionary with New Hope Japan. 20 minutes after the 2011 Japan Earthquake, Pete was stuck in a bullet train, in a tunnel, with no power, just out of Sendai where the epicentre of the quake was. He spent 19 hours trapped, then was bussed to Tokyo. Pete shares the story in this episode of History makers, and his heart for sharing the Gospel in Japan.

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Deborah Kline Iantorno

Deborah Kline Iantorno is a messianic Jewish singer/songwriter. After starting her career on TV in Puerto Rico, and singing in night clubs and on radio jingles, Deborah became a Jewish believer and wanted to use her talent for her Saviour. She has a fresh musical approach of Latin rhythms, R&B and worship ballads.

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David Heenan

David Heenan is the Author of The Skeptics Guide to God. After years in Advertising and Photography, David has launched into ministry with a message for skeptics. He tackles topics like Creation, Noah’s Ark, Bible predictions and heaps more!

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Az Hamilton

Az Hamilton is the National Youth Co-ordinator at Compassion Australia. Az shares about his time working in radio, and how his life changed after a Compassion trip to Haiti, and his passion to reach the next generation with a message of hope and destiny for the future.

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Phil Dooley

Phil Dooley is the Pastor at Hillsong church, in Capetown South Africa. Phil shares the story of God’s provision and his heart bring hope to people from every part of society. After leading Hillsong United in Sydney for years, he’s passionate about raising and releasing the next generation among the nations!

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