Month: April 2013

Darren Lewis

Darren Lewis is the QLD Father of the Year in 2011, and founder of Fathering Adventures, an outdoor activities-based initiative turning the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers. Darren shares how his childhood years were shared with a father who lived entrenched with guilt from a family tragedy, and how “Fathering Adventures” is a tool to reconnect Dads with their kids.

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Jan Buchanan

Jan Buchanan was canoeing with her husband in Indonesia, when the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami hit, she tells the gripping story of her survival, and the sad loss of her husband. She now works with Aids orphans in South Africa with YWAM. This is a must listen.

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George McArdle

George McArdle is the former bass guitarist of the Little River Band (LRB), during his time with LRB, he toured withThe Beach Boys, Fleetwood Mac, The Doobie Brothers, and Santana. George shares how he was searching for more in life when he left LRB, so he became a Christian, went to Bible college and worked as a pastor. He’s now released a solo project.

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Jim from Open Doors Australia

Jim works with Open Doors Australia, serving the Persecuted church worldwide. He shares his story of conversion and his many years involved with Youth Alive, and his heart for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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