
Kiran Skariah

Pastor Kiran Skariah also known as PastorSKAR online, is an ordained minister with a passion to see the next generation be all they can be. After gaining a decade of Youth Ministry experience at his local Church and serving full time as Associate Pastor there, Kiran realised the huge need for a safe, welcoming space for all in the online world, where honest faith conversations can spark and people can be themselves, ask questions and connect in a way that was previously unimaginable. With a goal to impact the world in mind, Kiran started livestreaming on the world’s largest streaming platform, and over weeks, months and years, dedicated himself to building a free, accepting, family-friendly community where gamers and non-gamers alike can gather and share a laugh, have some fun, and for those that were interested, talk about their faith. Today this Ministry is run very similarly to a local Youth Group, but is open for all and digitised to meet the demographic. This includes interactive games with the community, regular prayer time, a weekly message, and all the laughs and craziness you could imagine – and lives are being impacted all over the world!! Listen in to his Story!

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