
Qween V

Qween V is a Hip-Hop Artist and an Evangelist with a powerful testimony! She has that fiery Islander zeal, and she loves to share her faith on the streets wherever she goes. Listen in to her story!

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DeeJay Jansen

DeeJay Jansen travels around Australia with a massive wooden Cross wherever she goes. She shares the gospel on the streets and has seen many miracles and lives transformed! Listen in to her amazing testimony and a message of hope!

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Canon J.John

Canon J.John has been an evangelist for over 40 years. He has spoken at conferences, churches and universities in 69 countries on 6 continents. Based in Britain, J.John communicates the Christian faith in a practical way. He has written several books across a range of subjects including ‘Theology For Little People’ to help children understanding biblical truth. He is well known for his hilarious stories, listen in to his testimony and his message for Australia.

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Craig Guntrip

Craig Guntrip is a Youth Pastor and Marriage Celebrant based in Tasmania. He shares about his passion to reach this generation with the good news, and about the importance of mentoring and raising up young people for ministry. Listen in to hear his testimony and how many youth ministries are uniting together for youth outreaches.

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Karl Faase

Karl Faase is a well known Aussie Christian communicator, media presenter, leader and social commentator. He’s the CEO of Olive Tree Media, the organisation through which he produces programs of excellence for Christian media and local church use internationally. Karl shares his testimony and about the “Jesus the Game Changer,” series part 1 and 2.

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Rachael Brown

Rachael Brown is a UK born worship Pastor with a powerful testimony! After a successful season in the fashion industry, she found herself asking the question, “Is there more to life than this?” She ended up serving in a Christian Orphanage in Cambodia and was overwhelmed with the love of God. She then came to Christ in a Church in Australia, and was discipled mainly through the Alpha Course. She’s now on Staff at that Church, and has a passion to share her story with the world!

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Justin Robinson

Justin Robinson is an Aussie Evangelist with a heart to bring the gospel to the nations. As a young man he hit rock bottom, and spent time living on the streets. When he came to Christ, the process of rebuilding a lost and broken man began. From the loss of family members, abuse from a cruel father and life without love, Justin brings a testimony that will inspire you to see the good in all situations.

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Christian Barrionuevo

Christian Barrionuevo is the managing Director of the CVM Group in Australia. He has over 20 years’ experience in various business sectors; all in senior management roles from National Operations to General Management roles within the Facility Management sector. Listen in as he shares his testimony of coming to Christ and his heart to teach believers about Israel.

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Glen Tucker

Glenn Tucker was born in NZ and now serves on the team at New Hope Church Brisbane. He shares his story of addiction, Bikie gangs, violence and broken relationships that was surrounding his life. When he came to Christ, everything changed, and now he loves to share his story of redemption whenever he gets an opportunity.

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Sid Crimson

Sid Crimson is the pastor at Surfside Church Byron Bay. He shares his story of overcoming drug addiction and healing from Schizophrenia. Sid travels to the Philippines regularly to support the ‘Hope Christian Learning Centre’ in Cebu Philippines. Their church assists by subsidising the tuition fees of the Children who receive a Christ centred education.

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