
Ross James

Dr Ross James is the founder of Health Communication Resources Inc., which has pioneered community-centred media ministries with faith-based organisations in Asia and Africa, and WA’s Mid West. Ross is a story teller, a radio announcer, a journalist, a lecturer and a cross-cultural communications specialist. He’s been involved in ministry in the Seychelles Islands, the Philippines, Pakistan and many other Asian locations. Listen in to his story!

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Katisha Adelaide

Katisha Adelaide is a Violinist, singer, looping artist and multi-instrumentalist from Townsville, Australia. She’s toured in Australia, The Phillipines, Sweden, Kenya and Thailand. She’s also partnered with YWAM and other ministries to reach the world with her music. Listen in to her story!

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Michelle Hamilton

Michelle Hamilton has an amazing story to tell! For 3 terrifying days she clung helplessly to her small capsized canoe in the South China Sea. Menaced by hungry sharks, enduring tropical storms and with no food or water, Michelle hovered near death. For Michelle the miracle is not so much that she survived, but how she survived! At critical moments, she heard an audible voice telling her exactly what to do to survive. Featuring world-wide in Readers Digest, this modern day Jonah tale of Michelle’s experience with a merciful God and an amazing encounter with angels, is a story that will not only thrill but challenge you to have 100% Faith in God, in the midst of your own storms. In this interview she shares her story of a mother’s tireless vigil to find her lost child, of human helplessness and the intervention of a sovereign God.

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Sid Crimson

Sid Crimson is the pastor at Surfside Church Byron Bay. He shares his story of overcoming drug addiction and healing from Schizophrenia. Sid travels to the Philippines regularly to support the ‘Hope Christian Learning Centre’ in Cebu Philippines. Their church assists by subsidising the tuition fees of the Children who receive a Christ centred education.

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