
Rob Scott

Rob Scott serves as an Executive Pastor of Victory Life Centre, in Perth, Western Australia, alongside Pastor Margaret Court. Rob shares his story of success in the Mainstream band, “The Mixtures,” and his amazing story of conversion. Rob has ministered at combined church services and conferences all over Australia as well as Singapore, USA, Sri Lanka, UK, Malaysia, and New Zealand. He also teaches at the Victory Life International Bible Training Centre and is the State facilitator for the International Psalmody School of Worship. His songs are sung in hundreds of churches of many denominations worldwide.

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Andrew L’Almont

Andrew L’Almont was born in Sri Lanka, where his grandparents had been Christian missionaries. At the age of 13, with his mother and sister, he emigrated to Australia in 1969. He spent 2 years living on the streets of St.Kilda, before a sporting scholarship to Melbourne High School gave him an academic education and opened the way for him to play rugby for Victoria and district first level cricket for Prahran. Moving into the finance sector, Andrew worked for the Australian divisions of 3 English banks, before establishing Ray White Financial Services in Australia in 1993 and Harcourts Financial Services in 1998. After relocating to New Zealand, Andrew took a position on the Baptist Savings board and as marketing manager, conducted more than 400 financial wellness seminars, with over 12,000 people attending. Now back in Australia, Andrew shares about his heart to share the gospel and his work in Christian radio.

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Jeff Vines

Pastor Jeff Vines spent 20 years on the mission field (Zimbabwe, New Zealand) planting churches and training leaders. From 1998-2005 he was the featured speaker on the weekly television broadcast, Questions of Life, and frequently debated agnostic and atheist alike on national radio. Jeff is the Lead Pastor of Christ’s Church of the Valley. Jeff is the author of Dinner with SKEPTICS: Defending God in a World that Makes No Sense and Unbroken: 8 Enduring Promises God Will Keep.

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Peter Watson

Peter Watson is a Pastor, Coach and Leadership consultant with Impact Facilitation. In 2017, he successfully completed a 2405km run of New Zealand in 59 days to raise awareness and donations for Destiny Rescue, an organisation that rescues children from Sexual slavery in South East Asia, and he’s also competed in over 45 Marathons. He has a wide-ranging academic background and continually seeks out the most up-to-date and evidence-based practices by reading over 100 books per year.

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