
The Sowers

The Sowers Group blend styles from Central/East Africa, sounds from their own individual tribes, Australian grooves and influences from American R and B. The Sowers Group are creating unique music that carries a powerful message of hope. Coming from the war-torn countries of Congo and Rwanda this group sings about the saving power of God from experience. Their music has infectious rhythms and powerful lyrics.

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Barry and Beck McDonald

Barry and Beck McDonald are the founders of Run For Life Haiti. Barry is planning a 500 kilometre run across Haiti to raise $800,000 for a new Maternity centre. The run is also to highlight the suffering that the women of Haiti endure because of the lack of care available to them before, during and after child birth.

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Reuben Morgan

Reuben Morgan is the worship pastor at Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia. He has written songs such as “I Give You My Heart”, “My Redeemer Lives” & “Mighty to Save”, which won the ‘Best Worship Song’ category at the 2009 GMA Dove Awards. In this chat Reuben shares how he started out at Hillsong, about the importance of Biblically based worship songs and about their new album, “Cornerstone.”

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Jonathan Aitken

Jonathan Aitken is a former Conservative MP from the UK, and a former British government Cabinet minister. He was convicted of perjury in 1999 and received an 18-month prison sentence, of which he served seven months. He is currently president of Christian Solidarity Worldwide, a Christian organisation working for religious freedom through advocacy and human rights, in the pursuit of justice.

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Randy Stonehill

Randy Stonehill is a U.S. singer-songwriter, known as one of the “Fathers of Christian music”. His lyrics and live concerts, have a strong comedic element, and in this interview Randy shares about his conversion in Larry Norman’s kitchen, and his mateship with Keith Green and Bob Dylan.

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Todd Agnew

Todd Agnew is a U.S. Singer Songwriter, who was born to a Native American mother. He was adopted at birth by a white couple & was raised in Dallas, Texas. Todd’s breakthrough song was “Grace Like Rain”, a re-written version of the Hymn Amazing Grace. In recent years he’s been involved planting a church in Memphis, in travelling the world with World Vision, and he’s recently released a new album, How To Be Loved, which includes some of the songs from his local church.

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Dr. Robi Sonderegger

Dr. Robi Sonderegger is a Clinical Psychologist renowned for taking psychology from the frontline to the home front. He’s the Founding Director of Family Challenge Australia, a registered Mental Health Charity, and a Consultant and policy advisor on the rehabilitation of trauma associated with war, sexual exploitation (human trafficking) and natural disaster worldwide. He Champions the Institute of Marriage, and is passionate advocate for strengthening families – ‘turning the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers.’ Over the past 15 years he’s gone from celebrity snowboard instructor to the rich and famous of Europe (including Prince Charles and Harry of Wales) to humanitarian activist for child-soldiers and sex-slaves, and is a Pride of Australia Medal Finalist.

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Phil and Kath Mcgee

In this candid interview Kath shares about her years in the Mormon church, and how through reading the Bible and searching for God she had a conversion experience. Phil Shares how his life was spiraling out of control, and how an encounter with God has led both of them into ministry.

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Melinda Dwight

Melinda Dwight is the National Director of Alpha Australia. Melinda shares about her years of experience as a pastor, and some great stories about how lives have been transformed through Alpha, a short course for those exploring the Christian faith. She also shares about the latest changes and additions to the Alpha course, with some amazing stories about Alpha in prisons, Student Alpha, the Marriage course, and the Parenting course.

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Chris Foley

Chris Foley is the former State member for Maryborough, QLD. He has 6 children, was a pioneering Gospel artist many years ago, in his “spare time” he is a private pilot, and an internationally travelled 6th Dan Black Belt Ju-Jitsu Instructor. He is also the Senior Pastor of Grace Community Church, which he founded, now in it’s 9th year. In 1994, Chris’s 3 yr old son, Joshua was runover and killed by a motorbike, ridden by a young man named Danny Ace. This interview explores the bond between Danny Ace and Chris that was forged by Danny’s role in Joshua Foley’s death.

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