
Sheridan Voysey

Sheridan Voysey is an Aussie writer, speaker, and broadcaster on faith and spirituality. He’s now based in the UK and is a regular contributor to faith programs on BBC Radio 2, and speaks at conferences and events around the world. He shares about his latest book, “Resilient”, and the connection he’s found to the Sermon on the Mount.

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Jeanette from Open Doors

Jeanette from Open Doors recently went on a historical tour of all of the sights that Brother Andrew visited on his smuggling run as a part of the 60th anniversary of Open Doors. Hear about her heart for persecuted believers and an amazing story of a believer who escaped from North Korea.

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Cornel Florea

Cornel Florea is the CEO and founder at Florea productions, a production studio helping artists to get high quality recordings on a new platform. He shares about his how his faith in God has helped him get his life back on track after a life of crime and gangs.

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Paschal Solomona

Paschal Solomona was raised in NZ and got involved with the wrong crowd. After years of running away from God, he found himself homeless, with addictions and at rock bottom. Then he had a miracle encounter with God…

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Pele Ramdhani

Pele Ramdhani is the National sales manager for Goodlife Health buy klonopin clubs. He shares about his faith, his passion for servant leadership and how the prayers of his wife lead to an amazing turnaround in his life.

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Rex Rigby

Rex Rigby is the first indigenous denominational leader in Australia. He shares his testimony and how he found his calling, which lead to becoming National Superintendent of the Wesleyan Methodist church.

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Ian Cooke

Ian Cooke is one of the founders of the Australia Christian Channel. He has had a film screened at the Sundance Film Festival and was producer on a documentary “Orphans on Wall Street” which was broadcast on the ABC last year, on Compass. He is currently producing a documentary on Sexual Abuse, another project in development on Human Trafficking and a project featuring indigenous Aussies for the 40 Days of Prayer.

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Age Rowse

Age Rowse helps to bring freedom, hope and a future to young people in SE Asia who’s lives are impacted by the horrendous injustice of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. He runs Ping Pong-A-Thon all over Australia in over 40 locations to raise money and awareness.

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Dale Stephenson

Dale Stephenson is the Senior Pastor of Crossway church, Melbourne. Known as an innovative and positive leader, Dale is committed to seeing the Church become more relevant and engaged with the local community. He shares about their new interactive online church that’s been launched!

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Steven Fogg

Steven Fogg is Australia’s first online church pastor. He’s been a Graphic Designer, a Creative Director, and now he’s the Communications guy to one incredible church called Crossway. Find out about their online church and how they are reaching people from all walks of life… online…

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