
Greg Lanyon

Greg Lanyon is a financial planner and the development partner for Crown Financial Ministries, Australia. He shares some important advice on financial stewardship from a Biblical Perspective and some great testimonies of how others are now on a journey towards financial freedom through some of their latest initiatives.

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Sam Dewald

Sam Dewald is the founder of World Healing International, a worldwide ministry proclaiming the Power and Glory of God to the nations. He is also an Author, Bible Teacher and Conference Speaker. In 2008, Sam and his family moved to the United States from Israel in obedience to the call of God to be missionaries to the United States. Prior to his move to America, Sam had served as the Administrator for Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations in Jerusalem, Israel, a 24 hour house of prayer dedicated to pray for Israel and all Nations. Sam has also served as the Administrator of Derek Prince Ministries, India.

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Dave Mann

Dave Mann is the Australian and NZ Director for Global Outreach Day. It is the largest evangelism mobilisation effort in human history, with more than 140 nations with an estimated 300,000+ participating churches.

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Bill Hunter

Bill Hunter is the Chaplain of the Brisbane Broncos and Founder of God’s Sports Arena Church, a different kind of Church in Brisbane. Bill shares his testimony of his foundations in the Salvation Army and how his passion is to reach out to those who love sport and are searching for a connection with God.

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James Leviston

James Leviston has an amazing story to tell. About 3 years ago, things went terribly wrong when he was testing out a flying fox, resulting him falling 4 metres onto the edge of a cliff and then another 5 metres onto rocks below. With severe head injuries and his back broken in multiple places, the prognosis wasn’t good. The doctors said he wouldn’t survive. As he clung to life, they said he would be left a quadriplegic. James’ will to live and faith in a God who still works miracles today saw him totally healed. He has even run marathons since his accident.

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Penny Lyon

Penny Lyon is a UK based Gospel singer and Blogger. She’s lead singer in the band, “Out of the Ashes,” an original Christian and Gospel band, drawing on jazz, R&B, and blues with a ministry particularly focused on those in the church who no longer fit into the church youth group (ok then, ‘grown ups!’) and a message that “…God ain’t done with you yet!” She also leads the Beacon Gospel Choir, a community choir founded to bring the uplifting sounds of Gospel music to Gloucestershire and beyond.

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Jeff Durbin

Jeff Durbin is a World Champion martial artist with 5 Black-Belts and has starred in popular video games and even played Michaelangelo and Donatello for the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” franchise as well as Johnny Cage in “Mortal Combat” the world-tour. He’s a Pastor of Apologia Church in Tempe, and has worked for many years as a hospital-chaplain. He has participated in outreach to various different religions across the world and has even engaged in public debate against Atheism. Jeff was featured on a series for the History Channel called, “The Stoned Ages” about the Christian approach to drugs and alcohol. Jeff hosts a weekly radio program heard on KPXQ called “Apologia Radio” and is heard internationally via podcast at

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James White

James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona.  He is the author of more than twenty books, a professor, and an accomplished debater. He’s taken part in public debates on topics like Islam, Mormonism, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Atheism.

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Dougie March

Dougie March was part of a gang called The Bigg Market Bender Squad. From his teen years, he travelled around the UK following Newcastle United FC, drinking and fighting. Violence became a way of life and most weekends he would be fighting in pubs and nightclubs. He was an angry young man growing increasingly paranoid due to his speed and cocaine addiction. After Prison time and many mistakes, he had an encounter with God. Twenty years later he’s preached God’s Word in over 37 countries, this is a story you have to hear for yourself!

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Kelly Newton-Wordsworth

Kelly Newton-Wordsworth is an award-winning singer/songwriter from Western Australia. She shares her testimony of her involvement in the New Age movement and her radical transformation during an Alpha Course.

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