
Marnus Labuschagne

Marnus Labuschagne is a South African-born cricketer who made his debut for Queensland during the 2014 Sheffield Shield season. He also plays for the Brisbane Heat. Listen in to hear about his faith and the importance of prayer in his life as an elite sportsman. He also shares how his mother has been particularly helpful, leaving Bible verses around the house and even writing them in his cricket shoes.

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Justin Khoe

Justin Khoe is a U.S. based digital missionary otherwise known as “That Christian Vlogger.” He produces a weekly YouTube show with over 48,000 subscribers and his clips have had over 1.7 million views! He also has an active presence on social media, reaching many people with biblical themes and tackling many controversial subjects. His goal is to create a space on YouTube where people from around the world can come together, be inspired, and fall more in love with Jesus.

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Andrew L’Almont

Andrew L’Almont was born in Sri Lanka, where his grandparents had been Christian missionaries. At the age of 13, with his mother and sister, he emigrated to Australia in 1969. He spent 2 years living on the streets of St.Kilda, before a sporting scholarship to Melbourne High School gave him an academic education and opened the way for him to play rugby for Victoria and district first level cricket for Prahran. Moving into the finance sector, Andrew worked for the Australian divisions of 3 English banks, before establishing Ray White Financial Services in Australia in 1993 and Harcourts Financial Services in 1998. After relocating to New Zealand, Andrew took a position on the Baptist Savings board and as marketing manager, conducted more than 400 financial wellness seminars, with over 12,000 people attending. Now back in Australia, Andrew shares about his heart to share the gospel and his work in Christian radio.

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Phil Pringle

Phil Pringle is the Founder and Leader of C3 Church Global, an international movement of over 500 churches, and the Senior Minister of C3 Church in Sydney Australia. He has a passion for the arts, media ministry and evangelism. Matt caught up with Phil at the National Day of prayer and fasting and discussed the power of prayer and the need for Revival.

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Dave and Shelly Drage

Pastors Dave and Shelly Drage are responding to a call on their lives to GO and ENCOURAGE the churches of Australia. Dave believes God has called him to walk! He is walking the Approx 14,500km of the National Highway One around Australia. While Shelly leads the support team in the 4WD! Visiting the towns and cities along the route, they will stop and share with churches and communities the message of the gospel. Listen in to hear about their music, their message and about the time Shelly spent in prison and how it’s helped bring them closer to God.

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Jerry Lackey

Jerry Lackey is the founder of Love Botswana Outreach Mission in Africa.  In 1995, the Republic of Botswana officially sanctioned this mission to carry out its humanitarian purposes in Africa. The Mission has made—and continues to make—a significant contribution to the development and transformation of Southern Africa. Jerry also works with UCB Africa to reach many through Christian radio.

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Sam Humphrey

Sam Humphrey is a New Zealand born actor who is best known for playing General Tom Thumb in the film The Greatest Showman, he’s also featured on the TV show, Neighbours. He was born with a rare genetic disorder called Acrodysplasia, a very rare form of dwarfism. As a child he was also diagnosed with the inflammatory bowel condition Crohn’s disease and has spent a lifetime visiting hospitals. He had attempted suicide several times, but with support from his family, his faith and his resilience, he was able to overcome his challenges and pursue his dream of becoming an actor. Listen in to hear about his time as a youth leader at his local church, and how God has transformed his life!

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Mark Lee

Mark Lee from Third Day shares about how the band formed, how his survival after a car crash helped him draw near to God and music. He also shares about the songwriting process and songs he’s written for other bands that have reached the world!

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Robert Dunn

Robert Dunn is the CEO of Opportunity International Australia and the Global Executive Director of Opportunity International Global. He shares some amazing stories about micro-finance in many nations and how lives are being transformed.

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Stuart Chapman

Stuart Chapman is one of Australia’s leading researchers in Home education. He shares about the dramatic growth of Home education in Australia and some insights from scripture about raising children. He also shares his concerns about recent changes in the education system and the associated consequences this will have on the next generation.

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