
Anton Scott

Anton Scott is the Youth Pastor at Catalyst Church, Ipswich. After spending a month in jail for drink-driving many years ago, he started searching for something. Before that, his life was a mess – full of alcohol and drugs. He had started reading the Bible, then he checked out his local church, the rest is History. Listen in to his story and how he’s being trained up in the ELI program (Emerging Leaders Initiative.)

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Bev McInnes

Bev McInnes is a Christian Counsellor based in Melbourne. For many years Bev has been passionate about working with individuals and families in the area’s of Trauma Counselling, specifically in Sexual, Emotional and Physical Abuse as well as addictions, anxiety, depression and anger resolution. Listen in to her story and how out of her recovery from trauma, she’s now able to help others.

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Andrew Scarborough

Andrew Scarborough is an Evangelist, a Revivalist and a Life and Leadership Coach. Andrew has ministered in over 15 different nations from Indonesia to America, Germany to Mozambique and currently serves as the National Ministry Director for Youth For Christ Australia, and is the founder of Awaken the Valley, a ministry aimed at reaching the lost and reviving the found for Jesus. He also serves the Canberra Declaration and the National Day of Prayer and Fasting and has a passion for Christ to be central in our nation. He is also the author of two books, Hater to Healer, and Where Rivers Flow. Listen in to his story!

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Jeremy Kendle

Jeremy Kendle is an American Basketballer who’s played for teams in the USA, NZ, Toowoomba, Bendigo, Brisbane and Sydney. He shares his story of coming to faith and how he partners with “Hoops for Christ,” to seeks to use the game as a platform for sharing the Gospel, and planting young players in local churches. After many different injuries, he shares how he’s learnt a lot about just being persistent, and keeping your faith despite how things may look.

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Kylie Peihopa

Kylie Peihopa has a great testimony of transformation! Listen in to hear her story of freedom from addiction, and how a man that rescued her from hitting rock bottom, then became her husband and is now a Christian Rap artist.

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Stephen Dale

Stephen Dale is an Author and Speaker with an amazing story of survival! At the age of 21, Stephen fell 30 metres down a cliff. He suffered major head and spinal injuries, critical blood loss, five heart attacks and severe liver, kidney and abdominal organ damage. During his 8 month hospital stay he lost approximately 40kg, his five senses were compromised, and the head and nerve trauma led to compounding difficulties in communication, movement and excessive pain. Upon the discharge from his fourth hospital, Stephen was confronted with the painful reality of living with injury, fear, financial insecurity and long term unemployment. To add to his dilemma, his head injury took away his capacity to read, write or speak and simply to process information. Constant failure, embarrassment and disappointment in his attempts to overcome these obstacles brought confusion, self-doubt and anxiety. Stephen committed to a self-imposed rehabilitation program that took 10 years to complete. Despite overwhelming medical, physical and social setbacks, he fully regained his cognitive and communication skills.  He also rebuilt his physical strength, mobility and endurance. Stephen started Smiling Tiger in 2002, and has since taught and trained individuals and businesses throughout Australia how to overcome their professional and personal obstacles, manage their environment and achieve their goals, regardless of how powerful the obstacles may be. Listen in to his story, and how his faith strengthened him along the way!

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Stu Millar

Stu Millar is a Kiwi Evangelist from Train to Proclaim. Stu shares some effective ways to plant seeds about Jesus in people’s hearts for the Holy Spirit to water. These Gospel Tools can open genuine communication lines and get people thinking about God and their eternal destiny. Listen in to hear Stu’s story and how he’s developed the Gospel in 7 App, which is equipping others to share their faith.

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Clark Taylor – Part 2

Clark Taylor was raised in the Aussie outback. He grew up as a real ‘Aussie Bloke’ – fighting in the pubs and working hard, rounding up wild cattle and branding them, living under the stars and eating damper. In 1959 Clark attended a Billy Graham crusade and it was there he powerfully encountered God. His entire life changed. Giving up his dream of owning cattle properties, and leaving the land he loved, Clark went through six years of theological college where he met his wife Anne. They fell in love and married. As the founders of both Christian Outreach Centre and WorshipCentre, Clark and Anne have now been ministering for over 50 years. Listen in to this 2 part series, with guest interviewer Greg Newman.

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Clark Taylor – Part 1

Clark Taylor was raised in the Aussie outback. He grew up as a real ‘Aussie Bloke’ – fighting in the pubs and working hard, rounding up wild cattle and branding them, living under the stars and eating damper. In 1959 Clark attended a Billy Graham crusade and it was there he powerfully encountered God. His entire life changed. Giving up his dream of owning cattle properties, and leaving the land he loved, Clark went through six years of theological college where he met his wife Anne. They fell in love and married. As the founders of both Christian Outreach Centre and WorshipCentre, Clark and Anne have now been ministering for over 50 years. Listen in to this 2 part series, with guest interviewer Greg Newman.

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Assumpta Subbaraman

Assumpta Subbaraman is from South India, she was born into the Brahmin caste of Hinduism, the highest caste. She shares her story of converting to Christianity and how her life has changed after coming to Christ. She also shares about her experiences on the SBS TV series, “Christian Like Us.” Listen in to this powerful testimony!

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