
Scott Walters

Scott Walters is the CEO of Opportunity International Australia, a charity that offers microfinance to people living in poverty. Having enjoyed a long and diverse career in the not-for-profit sector, including educational support for disadvantaged children, poverty relief, women’s health, and early childhood intervention, Scott has led and managed the strategic development and growth in fundraising for a number of charities. Scott was most recently the Chief Fundraising Officer for Bible Society Australia, and previously, he was Head of Strategic Partnerships for The Smith Family. With an extensive background in financial planning, stockbroking and marketing before his move to the for-purpose sector, Scott brings the depth of business and fundraising experience needed for the role, as well as a passion for alleviating poverty. Scott shares about his faith journey and how Opportunity International is helping people in poverty all over the world.

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Linda Bailey

Linda Bailey is well known for her daily devotional spots on radio stations all over Australia. She became one of the first State Primary School chaplains in Victoria and she’s also worked as the breakfast program producer for 89.9 , the Christian radio station in Melbourne for three years. She’s also worked for , a not-for-profit organisation that assists people living in poverty with disabilities. She’s married to Cameron and they have had three foster children, a foster grandchild and their own biological son.

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Aleisha Reader-White

Aleisha Reader-White is the founder of “Equipped For Grace.” She provides training and consultancy for Churches and faith based organisations in the areas of Child Protection, DV support, Suicide and self-harm, Acute Mental Health, Drugs and Alcohol, Homelessness, Sexual assault/trauma. She’s worked in the criminal justice system with some of the most dangerous and trauma impacted people including murderers, rapists, bikies, child sex offenders and some of Australia’s most dangerous prisoners. In this interview she shares about her journey of faith and how she was transformed on a mission trip to South Africa. On that trip she decided, “this is what I want my life to be.” Everything changed from that moment. Listen in to her story!

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Wendy Burns

Wendy Burns is an International coach, speaker and consultant with the John Maxwell University. Wendy knows all about hopelessness: both her parents committed suicide when she was still a minor, and for most of her adult life she believed she would follow their example. She fought the desire to commit suicide for many years. In this interview, Wendy shares her own story of hopelessness as proof that no matter how bad things may seem, there is hope.

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Allen and Alicia Murray

Allen and Alicia Murray are Christian singer/song writers based in Harvey Bay. With a broad range of music varying from country and folk, to blues, they travel around Australia and minister in Prisons, churches, schools, pubs and wherever the doors open for them. Listen in to their stories of transformation and healing!

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Chad Butler – Switchfoot

Chad Butler is the Drummer for the Band, “Switchfoot.” In this interview he shares about how the band started in 1996, as a bunch of young surfing buddies, who were all Pastors kids! Chad also shares about his own faith journey, his love for Australia and about their latest album, “interrobang.”

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Bobby Mearns

Bobby Mearns is the founder of Fishers of Men, a rehab with a ministry to the homeless in Brisbane. Bobby was a heroin addict, dealer and Triad member for over 20 years in Hong Kong. After a dramatic encounter with God, he was set free from addiction and launched into ministry. Bobby says he has a degree in criminology, “done every crime in the book!” He shares how encounter with Jackie Pullinger taught him about true love from God. Listen in to his redemption story!

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Nathan Galletly

Nathan Galletly is the lead singer of “Dye Smiling,” a Christian band from the Gold Coast. Nathan shares his testimony of growing up as a Pastors kid in NZ and how his band has recently gotten back together after many years. There are also some plans in the pipeline for a large Christian festival which could hopefully see some other bands get back together soon! Listen in to find out more!

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Aaron Ainsworth

Aaron Ainsworth is a Youth Worker, a Chaplain for the homeless and a Spoken Word Artist. After a terrible accident as a teenager, and many years of addiction and crime, Aaron had an encounter with God that changed his life forever. Listen in to his story and hear his unique Spoken Word presentation as well!

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Chantal Kemsley

Chantal Kemsley is part of the leadership team at Sherwood Cliffs Rehab near Coffs Harbour. Her parents, John and Honi Reifler were the founders of Sherwood Cliffs, and Chantal was raised in that environment. In this conversation Chantal shares about her own story of marrying Colin who went through the rehab program at the age of 19 and how this amazing faith-based ministry is seeing many lived transformed! Listen to her story!

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