
Ben Boland

Ben Boland is an aged care chaplain who passionately promotes and resources the gospel for older people. He regularly writes and speaks about aged care ministry, including contributing to aged care spirituality publications. He is currently writing an MA project at Moore College about developing a theology of older people with specific reference to sexuality. In this interview he shares his testimony and his heart for chaplaincy.

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Yehuda Bachana

Yehuda Bachana was born in Jerusalem in 1979 into a believing family and was born into the community of Netivyah, a Bible Instruction ministry in Jerusalem. He served in the army as a sniper in the paratroopers, and after his release and some odd jobs, he began working in Netivyah as a youth counselor and overseer for the soup kitchen/food distribution project. He currently serves as deputy director of Netivyah and one of the elders of the “Ro’eh Israel” congregation. He is married to Lydia, and they have three children.

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Branwen Mearns

Branwen Mearns is part of the team at Fishers of Men is an inter-denominational Christian charity ministering without distinction to those who are homeless, at threat of homelessness, or poor or needy. Listen in to the story of how she came to Christ, how she met her husband Bobby and how their ministry is making a difference in peoples lives!

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Annette Spurr

Annette Spurr is a wife, a mum, a business woman, and an author with a great story to tell. In this interview she shares about her faith journey, her ministry in Christian media and about her new book, “Seeing God.”

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Chantal Kemsley

Chantal Kemsley is part of the leadership team at Sherwood Cliffs Rehab near Coffs Harbour. Her parents, John and Honi Reifler were the founders of Sherwood Cliffs, and Chantal was raised in that environment. In this conversation Chantal shares about her own story of marrying Colin who went through the rehab program at the age of 19 and how this amazing faith-based ministry is seeing many lived transformed! Listen to her story!

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Colin Kemsley

Colin Kemsley is part of the leadership team at Sherwood Cliffs Rehab near Coffs Harbour. He went through their rehab program at the age of 19 and was set-free from drug addiction. In this conversation he shares about his own story and how this amazing faith-based ministry is seeing many lived transformed!

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Craig Guntrip

Craig Guntrip is a Youth Pastor and Marriage Celebrant based in Tasmania. He shares about his passion to reach this generation with the good news, and about the importance of mentoring and raising up young people for ministry. Listen in to hear his testimony and how many youth ministries are uniting together for youth outreaches.

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Why you should be in Ministry…

I believe there are many people who are called to “Full-time ministry,” who haven’t yet taken the step of faith to fulfil their destiny. There is a stigma about being a Pastor that people think it’s only for the special chosen ones, or the ones with that “higher calling” that is so high that not more »

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Daniel Mingo

Daniel Mingo is the Founder of Abba’s Delight, USA, a Christian ministry which assists born-again believers and families and friends of those who are gay-identified, resolve the conflict of the effects of homosexuality on their lives. Daniel became a born-again Christian at age 17, yet for nearly 30 years secretly involved himself in homosexual activity through anonymous encounters. Intensely pursuing discipleship in Jesus while dying to the temptations of same sex attractions proved a monumental internal conflict, yet Daniel neither took on a gay identity nor immersed himself in the gay culture. Realizing he had been feeding a sexual addiction for nearly 30 years, Daniel went into recovery in 1993 through mentor counseling and attending support/recovery group meetings, and continues that overcoming process today. In ministry, Daniel relies on the Bible as the inerrant Word of God; the leading of the Holy Spirit; his 20+ years of experience pursuing his own sexual addiction recovery and purity; and the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit to change, and more perfectly conform, His saints to the image of Jesus. Daniel and his wife, Fran, were married in 1983 and have three adult sons.

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Brian Houston

Brian Houston is the Global Senior Pastor for Hillsong Church. He shares about the early days of Hillsong Sydney, about the impact their music is having around the world and about the massive growth of their church in many nations. He also shares about how his 3 children are all serving in ministry and his passion to encourage others to step out into their calling for God.

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