
Karen Liddell

Dr. Karen Liddell is an ordained minister and Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor, advanced board certified in Integrated Marriage and Family Therapy, Child and Youth Therapy, Temperament Therapy, and Grief and Loss. Karen started her career as an adult and adolescent therapist in psych and  substance abuse centres and hospitals and after raising her family was called into faith-based counselling and neuroplasticity-focused methods. Karen developed the Brain Retrain™ method which is a simple, easy-to-follow process that gets your mind into agreement with who God says you are and what He says you can do. It results in physiological neurogenesis, renewing your mind’s processes and resulting  emotions, actions, and experiences. Karen has also written multiple books and speaks at events across the country. Grace Buckman Spoke with her recently, listen in to her story!

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Amy Hayes

Amy Hayes is the mother of 8 children and grandmother to ten (and counting). Her writing career started when the Lord called her to mentor parents. Her first book, How I Raised 8 Amazing Kids in Spite of Myself, is a brief overview of her life raising her 8 children through the ups and downs, challenges and upheaval of 3 marriages and divorces. Her second book, Graceful Parenting, is specifically for Christian parents or anyone who wants to know what the Bible really says about parenting. Ms Hayes’ passion is to equip Christian parents with kingdom keys to raise children who know and love God and fulfill their God-given destiny in the Body of Christ and on the Earth. Grace Buckman caught up with Amy to hear her story!

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Darren Chapman

Darren Chapman is a Pastor, Author and viral Tiktok sensation! Darren is part of the C3 Church movement based in Newcastle. In this interview he shares about his faith journey, his social media ministry and his heart for marriages.

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Craig Guntrip

Craig Guntrip is a Youth Pastor and Marriage Celebrant based in Tasmania. He shares about his passion to reach this generation with the good news, and about the importance of mentoring and raising up young people for ministry. Listen in to hear his testimony and how many youth ministries are uniting together for youth outreaches.

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Martyn Iles

Martyn Iles is the Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby. He’s worked as a lawyer with the Human Rights Law Alliance, he’s lobbied and spoken up about issues like abortion, traditional marriage, freedom of speech, the porn industry and many more hot topics. Listen in to his story and his passion to speak up for Christian values in our nation.

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Lyle Shelton

Lyle Shelton is the former Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby. He is now working with Cory Bernardi and the Australian Conservatives party. He shares about how he got into politics, and the issues he’s passionate about. During the Marriage debate in 2017, he was ridiculed so much by the opposing side. Hear how he handled the criticisms and how over a million people changed their view to vote “No” during the 3 month campaign.

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Katy Faust

Katy Faust has appeared on ABC’s Lateline and Q&A sharing her views on traditional marriage. She was raised in the USA by Lesbians and believes every child has the right to their natural mother and father.

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Matt’s Appearance on Q&A

Some videos and links to some media coverage of Matt’s recently appearance on Q&A:

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