Podcast: Testimony

Mark Kujawa

Mark Kujawa lived the high life as a successful chef, but had a drug addiction that was leading him downhill fast, until he had an encounter with God. He’s now known as the Pastorchef, and reaching out to many with a message of hope.

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Mark Stokes

Mark Stokes had a life of crime, drugs, and prison until he had an encounter with God at a Teen Challenge rehabilitation centre. Listen in to find out what God told him that changed his life.

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Shane Clifton

Shane Clifton is Associate Professor of Theology at Alphacrucis College in Sydney. In October 2010, he had a serious accident that left him a quadriplegic. He shares his story and how he has held on to his faith.

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Paschal Solomona

Paschal Solomona was raised in NZ and got involved with the wrong crowd. After years of running away from God, he found himself homeless, with addictions and at rock bottom. Then he had a miracle encounter with God…

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Adrian Pritchard

Adrian Pritchard was a heroin addict and wanted criminal, he spent time in jails all around the North Island of New Zealand, sometimes in maximum security prisons with notorious criminals; sometimes in psych units and rehabs. Adrian also spent time living in Sydney, Australia, where he was running with the Highway 61 biker gang. His ‘occupation’ in Australia was running prostitutes and strippers in Kings Cross. He was also stabbed in the chest by a rival Comanchero gang member. He came to the conclusion that there was no escape from his life of drugs, crime and gangs. But something happened when he was in jail for armed robbery – an encounter that changed his life forever. This is his story of breaking free from a life of crime and addiction.

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