Podcast: Pastors & Leaders

Bill Hunter

Bill Hunter is the Chaplain of the Brisbane Broncos and Founder of God’s Sports Arena Church, a different kind of Church in Brisbane. Bill shares his testimony of his foundations in the Salvation Army and how his passion is to reach out to those who love sport and are searching for a connection with God.

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Jeff Durbin

Jeff Durbin is a World Champion martial artist with 5 Black-Belts and has starred in popular video games and even played Michaelangelo and Donatello for the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” franchise as well as Johnny Cage in “Mortal Combat” the world-tour. He’s a Pastor of Apologia Church in Tempe, and has worked for many years as a hospital-chaplain. He has participated in outreach to various different religions across the world and has even engaged in public debate against Atheism. Jeff was featured on a series for the History Channel called, “The Stoned Ages” about the Christian approach to drugs and alcohol. Jeff hosts a weekly radio program heard on KPXQ called “Apologia Radio” and is heard internationally via podcast at

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Pastor Prince Thomas

Pastor Prince Thomas is the executive director of Immanuel India Mission. Hear about his amazing conversion story and his heart to reach Northern India with the Gospel. With Church planting, orphanages and mission schools Pastor Prince is a real Historymaker!

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Bill Page

Many years ago Bill Page was walking past the Coffs Harbour Civic Centre, he wandered in to hear Pastor Clark Taylor preaching the gospel. Half way through the message, he decided to give his life to the Lord, at the end of the message, he’d decided to spend the rest of his life telling others this good news. Bill has recently spent nineteen years as a Pastor in PNG, he is now Pastoring in Cairns and is in demand worldwide as a keynote speaker and mentor to mission enterprises. www.livinglight.org.au

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David Parr

David Parr is an American-born Pastor now based in Australia. He has served in Spanish congregations in the U.S. and pastored in Liverpool, Georges Hall and is now based in Brisbane. He and his wife have an amazing heart to care for the homeless and the poor, listen in to his testimony and his heart to reach the unreached.

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Tim O’Neil

Tim O’Neill is the President of A2A & Senior Pastor at The Tailrace Centre in Launceston, Tasmania. The Tailrace Centre houses a function and convention centre, café restaurant and indoor children’s playground and is designed to help the ministries of the church connect daily with people who would not normally consider going to church. Tim is passionate about reaching people with the good news of Jesus and discipling them to live as followers of His who will in turn seek to reach and disciple others. Tim has been actively involved in raising church planters and has been on the board of Empart for over 10 years.

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Alistair Petrie

Alistair Petrie is a Pastor and Author from the UK. After many years experience in broadcasting, he now serves as the Executive Director of Partnership Ministries, a global ministry that teaches the principles and relevance of the Gospel and its relationship to the Marketplace. Partnership Ministries is positioned as a ministry for the 21st Century Church and combines prayer and research in order to prepare Communities, Cities, Nations, and the Marketplace for lasting revival, authentic transformation and the release of Kingdom culture.

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Andrew Thonneman

Andrew Thonneman is the CEO of Christian Jobs Australia. He shares about coming to Christ in his 30’s, how God has transformed his life and his heart to reach out to others with the message of the Gospel.

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Kent Booth

Kent Booth recorded his first songs at age nine and never looked back. For over 30 years, Kent has been engaged in full-time ministry in the USA, serving as a youth pastor and worship leader, executive pastor, Bible school instructor, ministry consultant, church planter, and itinerate speaker/worship leader. Be inspired by his heart for worship and his love for Australia!

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Tania Harris

Tania Harris is an accomplished Bible teacher, inspirational speaker, and director of God Conversations, a global ministry that equips people to recognise and respond to God’s voice through training, resources and speaking engagements.

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