Podcast: Ministry

David Rios

David Rios is part of the mission team at New Hope Las Vegas. He shares about his faith journey, his battles with addiction and broken relationships and his heart for missions among those living on the streets in Las Vegas.

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Roger Ramos

Roger Ramos leads the mission team at New Hope Las Vegas. After previously serving in the military in Hawaii, Roger now works as an investigator, exposing corruption in some of the world’s biggest Casino’s. He shares about his faith journey and his heart for missions is places like Africa, Australia, Mexico and among those living on the street in Las Vegas.

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Peter Kasirivu

Pastor Peter Kasirivu is the founder of Africa Renewal ministries and the Mwangaza Childrens choir. They have several affiliated ministries that impact more than 30 communities across Uganda. They have planted more than 650 churches, trained over 2,700 leaders and sponsored 15,000-plus children.

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Jason Golden

Jason Golden is an American Evangelist based in Melbourne, Australia. He is the founder and leader of Maranatha Kingdom Ministries. He shares his testimony of coming to Christ during his university years and about his Messianic Jewish background. Jason has an inspiring Passion for the gospel, this is a must listen!

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Steve Schiller

Steve Schiller is an evangelist and a member of the Road Riders for Jesus, a ministry for Christian Motorcyclists. Steve travels the highways and roadways, while fulfilling the Great Commission, sharing the good news of Salvation with others, especially those of the motorcycling world. Listen in to Steve’s amazing testimony!

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Justin Robinson

Justin Robinson is an Aussie Evangelist with a heart to bring the gospel to the nations. As a young man he hit rock bottom, and spent time living on the streets. When he came to Christ, the process of rebuilding a lost and broken man began. From the loss of family members, abuse from a cruel father and life without love, Justin brings a testimony that will inspire you to see the good in all situations.

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Matty Russell

Matty Russell is an evangelist and hip-hop artist who is passionate about preaching the gospel and equipping the body of Christ for the work of ministry. His uncompromising approach to the word of God, coupled with his love for people is both challenging and refreshing. He was Radically saved from a lifestyle of hopelessness and addiction, and God has used him to minister across the world, preaching the gospel, edifying the church, healing the sick, and seeing many precious souls come to salvation. Listen in to his story!

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Andrew Scarborough

Andrew Scarborough is an Evangelist, a Revivalist and a Life and Leadership Coach. Andrew has ministered in over 15 different nations from Indonesia to America, Germany to Mozambique and currently serves as the National Ministry Director for Youth For Christ Australia, and is the founder of Awaken the Valley, a ministry aimed at reaching the lost and reviving the found for Jesus. He also serves the Canberra Declaration and the National Day of Prayer and Fasting and has a passion for Christ to be central in our nation. He is also the author of two books, Hater to Healer, and Where Rivers Flow. Listen in to his story!

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Stu Millar

Stu Millar is a Kiwi Evangelist from Train to Proclaim. Stu shares some effective ways to plant seeds about Jesus in people’s hearts for the Holy Spirit to water. These Gospel Tools can open genuine communication lines and get people thinking about God and their eternal destiny. Listen in to hear Stu’s story and how he’s developed the Gospel in 7 App, which is equipping others to share their faith.

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James Condon

James Condon has been an Officer of The Salvation Army for more than 45 years, retiring from active service in 2016. He has served in a variety of leadership roles in 3 countries: Australia, PNG and the UK. At the International Headquarters of The Salvation Army based in London, he held the position of International Secretary for the South Pacific and East Asia Zone. In 2011, James was appointed Commissioner for the Australia Eastern Territory which covers the States of NSW and QLD as well as the ACT. This involved some 400 centres of The Salvation Army, with 1,000 Officers of The Salvation Army and 4,000 employees. In this interview, James shares his testimony and about his involvement as Chairman of the National Day of Prayer and Fasting.

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