Bob Gas from “The Word for Today” tells the story of a nine year old boy named Philip who suffered with down syndrome. In Sunday School the other kids made fun of him because he was different. The Sunday before easter the teacher gave each of the kids a plastic egg and asked them to look for symbols of new life. Like seeds and leaves, then place them into the egg. The idea was to open their eggs on Easter Sunday and discuss what they had found. When the children gathered, they collected all sorts of things such as flowers, butterflies and rocks. But when the teacher opened Philip’s egg, it was empty. One child said, “That’s not fair! He didn’t do it right!”. But Philip tucked at the teachers sleeve and said, “I did do it right! It’s empty, because the tomb is empty! That’s why we have new life.” The class gasped and from then on Philip rose to a new level of respect and became part of the group. But Philip’s family knew his time was short. Too many problems for one small body, so that summer, he died. As the class of 8 year olds faced the reality of death, they marched up to the alter, but not with flowers. Together with their teacher, they each placed an empty plastic egg on their friend’s tiny casket. Why is the resurrection of Jesus so important? For two reasons. Number one; his resurrection guarantees yours. And number two; if you live long enough you’ll experience the heartache of losing someone you love. The good news of the resurrection of Jesus Christ guarantees that you will meet him again. Alive, immortal and just like Jesus. In John 11:25 it says, “Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.”