In 1857, in New York City, Jeremy Lanphier started a lunchtime prayer meeting, praying for revival in his nation. And after advertising the prayer meeting widely, only six people turned up. After three weeks of faithfully gathering, his prayer meeting had 40 people joining in on daily meetings. On October 10 that year, the stock market crashed. Suddenly, people were flocking to the prayer meetings. Within six months, 10,000 people were gathered daily for prayer in New York City alone. Other cities experienced an increased interest in prayer too. Chicago had 2,000 people praying. Louisville had several thousand people praying. And in 1858 the New York Tribune devoted an entire issue to news of this revival. Prayer rather than preaching was the main focus. Meetings were informal. Anyone could pray, speak, lead a song or give a word of testimony with a five minute limit placed on each speaker. This led to the third great awakening in US history. It then spread to Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England, Europe, South Africa, India, Australia and the Pacific Islands. Many people were saved. Backsliders returned, conversions increased, families established daily devotions and entire communities underwent a noticeable change in morals. Many preachers returned to the truths of the Gospel and Christ and His cross. All because one man saw the trouble his nation was in, and decided to get on his knees and pray. Are you willing to get on your knees and pray for your nation today?