Dancing With No Music [Godspot]

Max Lucado tells the story about the man who wanted to learn to dance. He bought a book about dancing and went home and started to research it. Once he thought he’d finally got the knack, he asked his wife into the lounge room to show her what he’d learnt. He followed the instructions clearly in the book. Lean with your right shoulder. Step with your right foot. Slowly turn to the left. He moved around like a robot and said to his wife, “What do you think?” She said, “Ah, that’s great honey, but where’s the music?” “Music? I never though about music. I was just following what it said in the book.” “Lets do it again and put some music on”, she said. “This time, don’t just worry about the steps, just follow the music”, and next thing you know he was dancing like never before.

You know as Christians, we can follow the book while ignoring the music. We can master the doctrine, the bible verses, the outline, the chapters. We can follow the rules and the law and stiffly step onto the dance floor without any music in our hearts. We can measure each step and follow the rules. But, we can be exhausted at the end of every day trying to dance according to the book. Dancing with no music is tough stuff. Hebrews 4:12 says:

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword.”

Let’s not just read the scriptures and try and follow it all with our heads, let’s let the music of God’s Spirit come into our hearts and dance to the music of the rhythm of heaven. Christianity is about a relationship with God, not just a bunch of rules and laws. Maybe it’s time for you to start dancing today.